Tina Carić

Owner & general manager

A long-standing practitioner of transcendental meditation and Ayurvedic healing practices. The founder of Ayurvedic Center Ganesh (2000. – 2015.) and  Ayurvedic Health Center New Earth (2016. -2018.). Representative of Ayurveda in Expert Commission for Natural Medicine in Croatian Association for Natural, Energy and Spiritual Medicine.

Proces upoznavanja sebe i magične moći vlastitog tijela najvrednije je što život može dati. Ujedinili smo vlastita iskustva, u želji da to saznanje približimo drugima.
— Tina Carić, voditeljica Centra

Her aim with Ayurveda Balance Health Center, located in the heart of the city of Zagreb, is to acquaint as many people as possible with the Ayurvedic approach to health through treatment, diagnosis, Ayurvedic diet, lectures, workshops, yoga etc.

Dr. Rajat Sharma

Ayurvedic physician

Dr. Sharma received his formal education at the renowned Dabur Dhanwantry Hospital, where he received special training in nutrition, naturopathy, yoga therapy, medical astrology and Panchakarma. He was selected to specialize in Panchakarma under the guidance of Guru Shishya Parampar – a teacher in a continuous teaching-student heritage at the National Academy of Ayurveda.

We need to share our knowledge of Ayurveda with everyone. I wish the best health for everyone.
— Dr. Rajat Sharma

He has collaborated with many Ayurvedic Centers in India, including the Ayurvedic Center for Chronic Diseases and Maharishi Ayurveda Hospital, for which he works as a doctor and a consultant. He has given lectures on Ayurveda, Ayurvedic supplements and lifestyle to  the public and health professionals all around the globe.

He approaches the patient and his medical history with utmost attention. He is an expert in various chronic diseases such as respiratory, digestive, reproductive diseases, sugar, blood pressure, obesity, etc.

Dr. med. Ivan Vladić, M.D.

Allopathic physician

Surgical specialist in general surgery and a subspecialist in abdominal surgery, with years of experience in Zagreb-based Merkur Clinical Hospital. Dr. Vladić is well known in Croatia for his pioneering work in transplant surgery, but it is less known that he’s been researching complementary and integrative medicine as well as natural nutrition for well over 10 years. His goal is to help patients in the most effective but also the most natural way possible.

Health is only acquired by living in nature and with nature.
— Dr. Ivan Vladić

Dr. Vladić is a practitioner of transcendental meditation and yoga and finds himself inspired by many other oriental traditions and techniques. He is a long-standing raw eater. Being aware of the fact that we as humans are inevitably connected to the Nature as a whole, he propagates a natural way of living and organic nutrition.

He is also an avid promoter of regular physical activity that he considers to be of paramount importance for optimal body functioning and long lasting health.

Jadranko Miklec, ing.


A long-standing practitioner of yoga brings his unparalleled knowledge and experience in order to treat each of our clients in a unique and personalized manner at the classes of therapeutic yoga according to the type of dosha-imbalance.

Jadranko holds a Ph. D. in Maharishi Vedic Science and is formally registered as a qualified therapist in yoga and transcendental meditation by Croatian Association for Natural, Energy and Spiritual Medicine and holds a title of Yogacharya by European Yoga Federation. He is International Secretary General of the World Academy of Ayurveda from India. He was a leader of Croatian Association for Transcendental Meditation and was also the president of Natural Law Party in Croatia, which promoted healthy living in accordance to natural laws.

He has been practicing yoga for 30 and teaching it for 15 years. He is a master of Martial arts (karate) and a practitioner of Kung Fu and Tai Chi. He has authored six books on yoga.

Get in touch

If you have questions, need help in familiarizing yourself with Ayurveda or want to support our work please contact us.