A long-standing practitioner of transcendental meditation and Ayurvedic healing practices. The founder of Ayurvedic Center Ganesh (2000. – 2015.) and Ayurvedic Health Center New Earth (2016. -2018.). Representative of Ayurveda in Expert Commission for Natural Medicine in Croatian Association for Natural, Energy and Spiritual Medicine.
Proces upoznavanja sebe i magične moći vlastitog tijela najvrednije je što život može dati. Ujedinili smo vlastita iskustva, u želji da to saznanje približimo drugima.
— Tina Carić, voditeljica Centra
Her aim with Ayurveda Balance Health Center, located in the heart of the city of Zagreb, is to acquaint as many people as possible with the Ayurvedic approach to health through treatment, diagnosis, Ayurvedic diet, lectures, workshops, yoga etc.