Ayurvedic medicine

Ayurveda is a preventively oriented and time-tested natural medicine. It is the earliest medical system known to mankind, from which all the later treatment systems have emerged. The term ‘ayurveda’ translates as the ‘science of life’. Its core field of interest is wholesome health as the foundation of everything else. Ayurveda believes that vitality and longevity are achieved by harmoniously living with nature and maintaining balance between the body, the psyche and the spirit.

Ayurvedic healing is based on a completely individual, multilayered approach that unites:

  • phytotherapy ie. herbal treatments
  • nutrition – Ayurvedic nutrition guidelines
  • detoxification and revitalization of the body with multiple therapeutic massages called panchakarma
  • psychology, through the introduction of Ayurvedic daily routine
  • spirituality, through day-to-day yoga training and meditation

Ayurvedic approach to healing emphasizes prevention and rejuvenation which enable the modern man to harmonize all aspects of his life, live long and prosperous in harmony with natural laws.

Due to its holistic approach, Ayurveda has shown a great potential as a discipline complementary to modern medicine. Its main advantages are disease prevention and the lack of negative side effects.

Ayurvedic herbal supplements have positive effects on the whole organism. When taken they not only improve the function of a particular organ, but they ents also support the healthy functioning of all the other organs in the body.

Ayurveda has an exceptional disease prevention capacity. It examines in detail how a specific disease appears in the body. Just like allopathic medicine, it establishes six stages of the disease: accumulation, aggravation, dissemination, localization, manifestations and complications. By an ancient method of pulse diagnosis the imbalances can be determined at the first level, which means that the occurrence of the disease can be prevented by minute changes in diet and daily routine.

Disease does not happen over night. Long before any bodily symptoms surface, a lot of things have already happened on a cause-effect level. The scientist, researchers and patients themselves have only recently begun to realize the role of self-healing in a recuperation process, but are still unable to determine its origin.

However, Ayurveda knows the way and the strategies needed to initiate the self-healing powers inherent to all individuals.

Typical female problems:

  • gynecological problems
  • menstrual abnormalities
  • infertility
  • menopause related problems
  • polycystic ovary syndrome
  • cellulitis
  • Typical male problems:
  • prostate related problems
  • erectile disfunction

Neurological problems:

  • stroke
  • Bell’s palsy
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • migraine

Musculoskeletal system problems:

  • arthritis
  • sciatica
  • trapped nerves
  • cervical spondylosis

Gastrointestinal system problems:

  • Chron’s disease
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • gastritis
  • obesity

Mental disorders:

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • stress-related problems
  • insomnia

Skin conditions:

  • eczema
  • psoriasis

Respiratory problems:

  • asthma
  • sinusitis

Cardiovascular system problems:

  • varicose veins
  • blood pressure problems

Get in touch

If you have questions, need help in familiarizing yourself with Ayurveda or want to support our work please contact us.